When I first saw this stone, I loved it. The one thing I noticed upon picking it up was, of course, its striking beauty and clusters, but its weight. It is a small, but solid stone and extremely multifaceted (literally). It is not a light stone and I like that.
It is said that this stones vibration spreads through the body immediately — clearing, cleansing and balancing all of the energy centers and levels of the aura. I like that kind of speed, ha! Not that it is a bad thing, but some stones, like Onyx have certain physical & metaphysical properties that take months to begin to see or feel. So, if Aragonite can be felt immediately (clap, clap 👏) I’ll take it!
Aragonite Star Clusters (ASC) can open the inner eye to visionary experiences of past lives and forgotten events in this lifetime. Although this can feel overwhelming and cause one to vividly re-experience old wounds, when such attachments have been cleared from the body and the auric field, ASC’s can facilitate a real adventure of exploration, allowing you to browse through the archives of your soul’s history, recovering beneficial information for your soul’s advancement. Now, that’s pretty d@mn awesome…
I am totally intrigued and amped about this crystal, in general, BUT ALSO by how ASC resonates, or pairs, with other crystals. Below, I briefly explain what stones pair well with ASC’s and the effect the pairing would yield (typing this does not convey my excitement WHATSOEVER!! 😩☺️).
Commune with your spirit guides by coupling Selenite and Aragonite Star Clusters
OK! One thing to note, is that Aragonite Star Clusters resonate well with ALL members of the calcite family, as well as Selenite.
Pairing Aragonite Star Clusters with Selenite will facilitate the process of interdimensional travel which is an amazing tool when communicating beyond this realm of reality. Pisces Sun me, loves this :). Working with these stones feels soothing & calming, yet energizing. It gives an excited sense of peace, or provides an exciting feeling about attaining peace, rather. Either way, it feels good.
Celestite, alone, is soothing and calming, but this power couple will allow you to connect with your angels at a different level.. the Angelic Realm.
When Aragonite Star Clusters are coupled with Celestite your ability to open the inner gateways to the angelic realm is amplified. I’m not sure if you are familiar with the Light Rays (i.e. Blue Ray, Yellow Ray, Pink Ray, etc.) and the angels associated with each color ray and zodiac sign, but if you are or are not, this stone pair would be essential in communing with these angels during meditation! (There are really good books on angels and the rays. I hope to review a few and share soon with you.)
Re-ground and Balance by incorporating Hematite when exploring the Higher realms.
If you begin working with Aragonite and you notice that you are beginning to feel ungrounded or out of balance, reach for Hematite, as it can be a useful aid when doing inner travel work with Aragonite Stars. It will re-ground and help to re-establish your center for restoration of balance.
A few things you can do with Aragonite Star Clusters include, but are not limited to the following:
facilitate clearing and activating the auric field, chakras, and meridians
assistance when exploring the Higher realms
encouragement to express energy via words, the arts and other communication channels
emotional growth
self-healing work
release attachment to emotional drama or past wounds
stimulates the body’s energy system (which will increase vitality and stamina)
(Simmons, Ahsian, & Raven, 2015)