Juicing is a very important part of my spiritual journey. Any time I go without juicing, my life seems to become unbalanced. Juicing keeps me grounded. For me, the keys to balance lie in the ability to indulge without going overboard. I have found that juicing provides the balance I need to maintain my health. My motto when it comes to juicing (and eating healthy in general) is, “It’s not what you eat, it’s what you don’t eat.”
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Mercury Retrograde
OK, so, I have a set date each month that I like to publish videos, but I’m putting this one out early bc I go on a 30-day Prayer Fast during Mercury Retrograde periods. I don’t feel like dealing with or managing an•y•thing during a period of time known for its glitchiness 🥴 I feel I’m pushing it with this shadow-period post, but it’s all good lol Anyway, VickiTV presents a simple, nonastrologer take on the infamous Mercury Rx and a few do’s and don’t do’s 🙅🏾♀️ Enjoy friends. Peace and Love, & Happy Friday ❤️
How to Use Crystals
In this video, I give a lot of information in a fairly short video on a relatively complex subject. Since we’re in pandemic lockdown, I couldn’t get the assistance from my brother on editing lol but that’s OK too. Here is my attempt at breaking down the idea of using crystals for those trying to get started or for those who have started, but just want to be entertained lol. This vid’s for you 😚
An Introduction to Smudging
I try to make it plain, and keep this sacred practice Holy. Today, on this episode, I am explaining briefly “how to smudge.” Enjoy :)