Most all of us have heard that there is an appointed time for every thing that we do. I could not agree with this anymore than I do. Before I begin anything, before I make plans, before cutting my hair, setting a doctor’s appointment, car maintenance.. you guessed it!
I am looking to the Lights/Sky to direct and guide my path.
I’ve always been infatuated with the Moon, but as I grew older, I realized this Heavenly Orb is more than a light, it is Energy. It is a fast moving Energy that moves to and through a new Sun Sign, every 2.5 days (compared to the Sun who changes signs monthly, Venus every 30 days or so, or Jupiter, an entire Year!).
The phase of the Moon tells you, “not now,” “give it some time,” and “go for it!” (amongst a few other factors, this is the simplest, most general, functional guide). A traffic light of sorts. You would not “go” on Red, just as you wouldn’t want to “start” a new thing on the Full Moon (this is the time to envision your dreams, write out your thoughts). Anyway, enough of what not to do. Let’s talk about what kind of things you can do and will be most supported by this phase of the Moon.
The New Moon
Early stages of developing an idea, activity, or planning anything that promotes betterment in your future
Implement or act on those things you prayed about (wished to Manifest) at the Full Moon
New beginnings
Start of new relationships of any kind
Great starting point for exploring new opportunities
Planting new seeds (literal & figurative)
Cut your hair (if you want it to grow back fast — Full Moon if you’d wish to slow it down) wait 1-2 days, when the Moon is visible in its growing phase.
Image Source: Wikipedia.
What it looks like..
The New Moon is the phase of the Moon when it appears to be invisible with just a slither of light resembling the curve of an upper case letter D. It is the time of the Moon when it is growing in light, which makes it the time to start a new thing as we want our endeavors to grow as well.
I have, in recent years, created an alter for Moon rituals that house all of my effects (i.e. singing bowl, pictures, flowers, vegetables and/or fruit, sage and, of course, crystals ).
I’ve put together for you a crystal set geared towards promoting growth with the New Moon. It is equipped with the basic/started elements for kicking off a Fresh Start New Moon ritual. Check it out, here!